Scientist René Geyeregger off the record: His netflix shortlist and what drives him in research

Scientists off the record: St. Anna Children's Cancer Researcher René Geyeregger reveals how he spends his summer vacation, what he is curious about and what drives him in research.

Davide Seruggia earns FWF Stand-Alone funding

To find vulnerabilities of cancers that are driven by MYC, a protein known for its potential to induce tumor growth, is the goal of a new project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. Davide Seruggia from St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (St. Anna CCRI) and colleagues aim to deactivate this key cancer regulator by targeting components of SAGA, a protein complex tightly linked to MYC. Since pediatric leukemia and neuroblastoma, two of the most common childhood cancers are known to be driven by MYC, establishing new strategies to interrupt its activity in cancer cells is of utmost importance.

Scientists off the record: How Eva König keeps cool on midsummer days

To kick off our new interview series, we asked St. Anna Children's Cancer Researcher Eva König how she copes with midsummer temperatures, what shaped her life as a researcher, and which book should not be missing in her vacation luggage.

World Health Innovation Summit CEO Gareth Presch visits St Anna CCRI

Sharing knowledge about childhood cancer with United Nations´ “Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Cities”.

Ana Kutschat wins prestigious MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship

Congratulations to Ana Kutschat on receiving one of the prestigious MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships!

St. Anna CCRI goes EHA 2022

Happy to welcome our Lithuanian colleagues from the TREL project

St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute focuses on equality

This was the Long Night of Research 2022!

DOC fellowship recipient Elise Sylvander develops safety system for CAR T-cells

Austrian Academy of Sciences appoints Kaan Boztug as corresponding member

Sabine Taschner-Mandl earns FWF-Grant

We are in! Long Night Of Research 2022

Day of Immunology: The interface of immune disorders & cancer

Science Starlight: Manel Santaeularia

Make an impact. Today is Rare Disease Day!