Happy to welcome our Lithuanian colleagues from the TREL project

(Vienna, 2.6.2022) We are happy and excited to welcome our Lithuanian colleagues in Vienna! Within the EU funded project “Twinning in Research and Education to improve survival in Childhood Solid Tumors in Lithuania” (TREL). They visited us for a workshop to strengthen their research management and administration skills at St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI). We very much appreciate the face-to-face exchange and thank Renata Blackutė, Alma Čerkauskienė, Vidas Kapusinskas, and Indre Klimantaviciene from VUL Santaros klinikos for their dedicated participation.
The project “Twinning in Research and Education to improve survival in Childhood Solid Tumors in Lithuania” is coordinated by Jelena Rascon (Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos). Ruth Prof. Dr. Ladenstein is the responsible principal investigator at St. Anna CCRI.