The mission of the administrative staff at the Childrens Cancer Research Institute is to provide the best possible environment for outstanding science while ensuring that donations are used most efficient. Dedicated experts in different fields provide effective and timely services on a wide range of matters to support CCRIs mission to create value and achieve excellency. The Administration and Scientific Support team understands that an ever-improving technical, operational, educational, financial, and ethical infrastructure is an essential and integral part of any successful research operation.
Human Resources

Karin Hartl-Schmitzer (Head)
Legal Counsel

Nina Zobernig-Krejci (Head)
Finance, Accounting & Controlling

Amelie Szalony (Head)
Quality Management

Sandra Ehrenhofer-Weinzettl (Team lead)
Facility Management & Procurement

Karl-Heinz Kaspitz (Head)
IT & Digitalisation

Ingomar Schmickl (Head)
Science Communication, PR & Marketing

Lisa Huto (Head)